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Thing 25 Bloggers Toolkit
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last edited
by Ann WS 15 years, 5 months ago
Thing 25. Bloggers' Toolkit
This Thing introduces to you to handy tools to make your blog more functional—and fun, too.
If you participated in 23 Things On a Stick, you probably developed a routine for posting to your blog—read the information about the Thing, experiment with its features or uses, and in some cases, express your frustration in colorful ways! Next you decided whether or not the Thing was useful to you. Finally, you blogged about your experience, the Thing, or, in the best of the blogs, about how you can use the Thing your library, your life, or your general philosophy of life and libraries. There were some really great blogs!
If you really got into your blog, you uploaded videos, slide shows, pictures, and more. To add that functionality to your blog, you most likely used a widget—or gadget, in Google’s term. Widgets are little bits of code that you embed in your blog or Web site that let you display content from other sources, such as embedding a YouTube video or you may have added a gadget to your blog to enable the display of recent posts or your blogroll. Widgets range from the useful, like adding video, to the silly—like this one that makes it snow on your Blogger blog.
Widgets ranked number one for “learn more about” on the final 23 Things On a Stick survey. The Bloggers’ Toolkit is a good place to introduce widgets/gadgets since many of the tools that you can add to your blog are widgets/gadgets. You will see more widgets in Thing 28. Customizable Home Pages.
1. Before jumping into adding widgets/gadgets, take a minute to read this article 20 Usability Tips For Your Blog as a reminder of what makes good blog. It is written for WordPress users, but the suggestions are useful for all bloggers. If you like some of the tools mentioned for WordPress, do a search to find similar gadgets for Blogger.
2. Take a look at these useful Blogger tools that make writing and posting easier:
3. Read this intro to Blogger Gadgets—watch the brief tutorial, too.
4. Watch this five part video series on widgets. Each part is 2-4 minutes long. This is a great way to get a sense of what widgets do and how you can find and use widgets.
You’re ready to splash out and add features to your blog using some of the widget/gadgets/services below. Choose at least four of the features from the lists below or from the Blogger Gadgets add to your blog:
Make Your Blog Talk: Speech/Audio
Each of these widgets offers something slightly different:
- Automatic podcast generation--Odiogo
- Audio blogposts--GabCast
- Vozme will add speech to your blog--search Vozme in Blogger "Add a Gadget" in Layout
- Text to podcast--Talkr
- A free text to speech converter--SpokenText
Comment Tools
- “Disqus, pronounced "discuss", is a service and tool for web comments and discussions. Disqus makes commenting easier and more interactive, while connecting websites and commenters across a thriving discussion community.”
- ClickComments makes it easier for your readers to express their thoughts and appreciation with just one click. ClickComments keeps your readers on your blog longer by suggesting your other blog posts that will interest them
- Outbrain lets you add a star rating to your posts so people can let you know what they think. It also recommends others' blog posts to your readers.
Who's Watching: Statistics Collection
- Sitemeter offers tracking tools for gathering and analyzing visitor traffic and other site statistics.
- Clustrmap is a hit counter map widget and tracker shows locations of all visitors to any site.
- gVisit lets you track visitors to your website using Google Maps.
- MapStats is similar to gVisit
- Google Analytics offers greater detail on who is looking at your site. Slightly more complicated to use.
Photos/Photo Tools
This is a just a small selection of the many photo tools for blogs--Blogger now links to Picasa for managing the photos on your blog. More on photos/photo tools in some other Things.
Manipulate photos:
Find copyright free or Creative Commons licensed photos (when using these, remember to give credit!):
Add slideshows:
Do You Like My Blog?: Quizzes/Polls
This another highly ranked “tell me more” item from the 23 Things On a Stick evaluation.
Two articles on using polls in blogs:
Poll/Quiz Creators
Added Functionality
- SnapShots has pop-up boxes that display enhanced hyperlinks with summaries, etc.
- Apture let's you "turn flat pages of text into a compelling multimedia experience. It helps you find content, link it into your page, and display it inline — all with one line of code. And it works in Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari."
Useful Features
Get Social
Tools like these let you add social networking features to your blog or keep up with what's new in your area.
- FriendFeed is much more than a blogging too. It helps you discover and discuss interesting stuff that your friends and family find on the web. It brings your blogs, tools and communities together in a nice package, with a handy widget that you can put on your blog.
- Feevy adds your friends' blog feeds to your sidebar.
- Feedjit lets you add widgets that give you live updates on popular blogs in your area and some other widgets, too.
- Chat tools let you put the chat box right in your blog--look at Meebo, Google Talk (via the Layout/Add Gadget on Blogger), or check your chat provider to see if allows embedding in a blog.
- Shoutmix is similar to chat but visitors can post comments or chat. CloudShout is a blog tool that enables realtime conversation and community.
- When you visit MyBlogLog-enabled sites, "your photo shows up on the widget - a virtual calling card. Clicking on your photo leads to your profile and all the stuff you share."
- Blog communities with various features/widgets to get your blog noticed:
Just for fun
Blog readability test and badge
Typealyzer–provides a Myers-Briggs type analysis of your blog
Can't get enough of widgets/gadgets or features for your blog? Browse these sources for more. But be warned! This can be a true black hole of time on the Internet!
- Browse/Search Blogger Gadgets under Layout on Blogger Dashboard
- Browse these lists from Blogger Buster or search Blogger widget or Blogger gadget
- Widgipedia
- Widgetbox
- yourminis
- Do a search on search Blogger widget or Blogger gadget
And Just in Case
Several ways to back-up a Blogger Blog:
Blog Prompts
- So, which ones did you add to your blog?
- Which ones did you reject as too much work, not enough usefulness, or for another reason?
- How much time did you spend on this?
For the Curious (optional)
Keep on adding/refining the features of your blog. Here are two more things to try if you are ambitious and have a good understanding of how things work or can read and follow complicated directions!
That little orange B icon in the address bar of a Blogger blog is the favicon for Blogger. All Blogger blogs have this icon in front of the address--unless you create your own. Here are two sites to try:
If you really are eager to get into widgets/gadgets, make your own. Blogger's instructions are here.
Thing 25 Bloggers Toolkit
Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above.
Comments (8)
micwalker@... said
at 2:53 pm on Jun 6, 2009
While I enjoyed learning about some of the more advanced features of this Thing, I found it to be much too much work. This should have been broken up, as Thing 26 was pretty short in comparison.
Ann WS said
at 10:19 am on Feb 10, 2009
Not sure what the problem with the Readability Test--the link is correct, but doesn't connect to the server. Could have been published elsewhere and generated a lot of traffic? I will leave it up so we can keep trying. It is kind of fun!
Laura Miller said
at 1:57 pm on Feb 9, 2009
I couldn't get the readability test to work either.
BJHMediaSpecialist said
at 8:53 pm on Feb 5, 2009
Is anyone else having problems with the "Readabilty Test" link?
SZSRocks said
at 8:48 pm on Jan 29, 2009
Blogger for Word is no longer available according to Blogger Help. I successfully downloaded the Blogger toolbar into Word and typed a post, but had trouble when I went to publish it. That is when I went to Blogger Help and it said it was no longer available or supported and they are not anticipating it coming back. Bummer!
saterbeest@stcloudstate.edu said
at 9:17 am on Jan 23, 2009
I noticed that the link for Blogger for Word is actually linking back to Thing 25.
Ann WS said
at 9:01 am on Jan 23, 2009
Thanks! I fixed it.
Elizabeth Tuckwood said
at 8:23 am on Jan 23, 2009
"FeedFriend" is actually called "FriendFeed."
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